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Helping One Child might not change the World, but it could change the World for One Child.
Your Support Can Change Someone's Life
The aim of HopeChild project is to provide 150,000 Households with access to drinking water in about 30 localities, to build 300 public latrine blocks in schools and health centres, and to carry out hygiene awareness activities for the benefit of about 500,000 people.
Giving is not just about Making a Donation, it’s about Making a Difference.” – Kathy Calvin
“HopeChild,Inc.” is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All the donations will be Tax exempted. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution. If you have any questions about viewing your giving history, please feel free to contact us at
How You can Support Our Work?
If you are interested in volunteering with us, Please Apply Now.
You can donate us directly internationally via Wire Transfer in USD in the following bank account.
Account holder: Hopechild,inc
Account number: 822000670139
Wire routing number: 026073150
Bank code (SWIFT/BIC): CMFGUS33
Wise US Inc
30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York
United States
You can donate us directly in our USD bank account. Details are :
Account number : 9600014395481464
Routing number : 084009519
You can donate us directly in our CAD bank account. Details are :
Account holder : Hopechild,inc
Account number : 200110655414
Institution number : 621
Transit number: 16001
Wise Payments Canada Inc.
99 Bank Street, Suite 1420
K1P 1H4
You can donate us directly in our GBP bank account. Details are :
Account holder : Hopechild,inc
Account number: 53540098
IBAN: GB07 TRWI 2314 7053 5400 98
UK sort code: 23-14-70
Wise Payments Limited
56 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6JJ
United Kingdom
You can donate us directly in our EUR bank account. Details are :
Account holder : Hopechild,inc
IBAN: BE60 9676 6377 1770
Wise Europe SA
Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor
If you want to be a Sponsor Please Contact Us